Top 6 Ways to Become Wealthy for 2014
If you want to increase your wealth in the upcoming year, then you’ll need to do things differently. After all, the definition of “insanity” is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. In the past month, I have tripled my income! I want the same for you because I know that when women make more money, they change their lives, their families lives and the community. So I am committed to helping women become wealthy!
Here are my top 6 ways to become wealthy and become a 6-Figure Woman:
- Daily Gratitude Tracking – I consider myself to be a thankful person, however, I recently started reading the book, The Magic (The Secret)
, by Rhonda Byrne, and it has really amped up my gratitude! It is an incredible 28-day journey, where she teaches you how to apply this knowledge in your everyday life. Each day I am writing down 10 things I am grateful for as well as following the Lessons. I feel like I complain less and am attracting more of what I am grateful for to me. Like new clients, increased income and amazing people in my life!
- Giving is Receiving – I have always been an experimental type of person. I do experiments to test things out. After reading the book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance
, I am tithing 10% of my income. I believe that tithing does a couple of things. First, it increases faith (especially when things are tight) because it’s hard to give when you are worried about money. Second, it gets the flow going. Sometimes we don’t realize it, but when money is tight we hold onto it tighter and are not spending it. That is like having a clenched fist when it comes to your money and when you have a clenched fist, then money can’t come into it. I’ve done this a few times and every time I systematically tithe 10% my income increases exponentially. I often wonder why I stop, but I guess I lose focus and forget. Not anymore! I am committed to tithing 10% where I receive my spiritual food which is Unity Center of Light in Maryland!
- Focus, Focus, Focus – There is an old Chinese saying, “Those who chase 2 rabbits catch none!” Well, I’ve chased a lot of rabbits in my life and I’m sure you have too. However, to be truly successful, you need to pick one thing and focus on it. I saw a great video by Tyler Perry the other day, which talked about this. Tyler Perry went from being homeless to becoming a millionaire. Click here to watch his video and to hear his message about picking one thing to focus on. He says that if you plant a seed, or many seeds, and you water just one it will grow exponentially, but if you take that water and you spread it out among a lot of seeds they won’t grow as much. Makes sense! So in the upcoming year, I encourage to select one thing and focus on that.
- Increase Your Knowledge – Every successful person I know spends inordinate amounts of time reading books, attending seminars, webinars, and learning as much as they can about their craft. The saying goes that “Learners are Earners”. So spend time daily increasing your knowledge and watch your income soar! I probably spend at least 2 hours a day reading books, blogs and watching webinars about internet marketing and running an online business. Technology changes quickly and if you don’t get on board the technology train, you will eventually get run over by it. So keep up to date with technology regardless of whatever type of business you have!
- Select Your Top 5 Carefully – Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Think about those top 5 people carefully. Would you consider them winners or whiners? Start hanging out with winners and you will become one yourself! It is inevitable.
- Remove Energy Vampires – Cheryl Richardson, author and coach, once said “A high quality life has more to do with what you REMOVE from it, than what you add to it.” An exercise that I do every year is to make a list of the top things that are draining my psychic energy. They could be unfinished projects, clutter, unresolved issues, relationships, situations, etc. Then I get to work on cleaning up that list. What is draining your energy right now? When you start removing those things, you miraculously have more time to devote to your dreams and your life!
I hope these ideas were helpful! As I said, my income has increased 3 fold in the last month as I am really committed to my financial and personal goals for the upcoming new year!
I’d love to connect with you further to help you achieve your goals.
If you’re thinking about signing up for my VIP Day, my Heart Centered Online Business Program or you would simply like to speak to me about your business, then please sign up for my FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session!