How to be a Bestselling Author and Get Your Book Noticed on Amazon!
Back in the old days (pre-Amazon), becoming a best selling author was left to chance in many ways. Now, becoming a best selling author is something you can absolutely win at if you understand how to play the game when publishing on Amazon.
Amazon is a search engine, just like Google is, and therefore Amazon has it’s own algorithms that it uses. I’ve spent the past 3 years studying, researching, and figuring out these algorithms and that’s how I’m able to take 100% of my clients books to the Amazon Best Seller’s list in my Amazon Best Seller Program.
I’m going to give you my 6 top tips here on how to be a bestselling author that will stack the cards in your favor and get you noticed when publishing your book on Amazon.
Tip #1: Understand Keywords and Use Them! If you want to get your website to the first page of Google, then you have to use keywords that will help Google send the right traffic to your site. It’s the same with Amazon; there are keywords that people are searching for on Amazon that will help them find your book. Most authors don’t understand keywords and therefore, don’t use them. Keywords are extremely important when publishing your book on Amazon because it helps people find your book. If you don’t use the right keywords, then your potential readers won’t find your book. So how do you find out what keywords you should be using? By doing research on Amazon to see what words come up in the “search” tool bar for your type of book. I spend hours doing this research for my clients and I also have some proprietary software that helps me find just the right keywords for my clients.
Tip #2: Getting at least 5 Positive Reviews for your Book! Yes, part of the algorithm that Amazon uses includes positive reviews. So if you publish your book, and you have zero reviews, then that counts against you when people are searching for your type of book (with keywords) and your book probably won’t show up in the search results. How do you get positive reviews for your book? This is the toughest part of publishing on Amazon quite honestly. For my clients, we have review contests and also review exchanges so that all of my clients have at least 5 positive reviews for their book. It’s very important that you get positive reviews for your book if you want to get noticed by Amazon.
Tip 3#: Put Your Book in the Right Category! This is a very, very complicated subject when it comes to Amazon. The problem is that the “categories” that you see when you are on are NOT the same categories that are available to you when you are logged into your Amazon KDP account, and therefore, it’s somewhat of a guessing game. So how do you put your book in the right category? By spending hours going back and forth between and your Amazon KDP account to find a category selection that matches and is a good fit for your book. It’s hard to explain all the details here because there is a very specific strategy I use for my clients when selecting the 2 categories on Amazon. I also have some propietary software that I use that helps me do this research. I can tell you that if you don’t put your book in the right categories, then you won’t get to the bestsellers list and people won’t find your book. Category selection is that important.
Tip #4: Having a Professional Cover Made and Using your Keywords on the Cover! I can’t tell you how many “bad” covers I see on Amazon. Let me tell you a little secret: People do judge a book by it’s cover! So spend the time and money getting a professional cover made that has the following elements: Is able to be seen and read as a tiny thumbnail photo on Amazon; has a great title and subtitle with your keywords on it; and has an image that represents the topic of the book. Don’t skimp here because before people open the “preview” section of your book, the cover is what helps them decide to go to that next step…or not!
Tip #5: Understand the Preview Section of Your Book! So many authors waste this “valuable” prime space with junk! Acknowledgements, dedications, etc that don’t help people make a buying decision about your book. The preview section on Amazon works like this: Amazon gives people a 10% preview of your book with it’s “look inside” feature once your book is published. This is prime real estate people!!! Don’t waste it! Put your best stuff up front and hook the reader in…if you don’t you just lost a sale!
Tip #6: Getting to the Amazon Bestsellers List! I know that’s the whole point of this article, how to get your book to the bestsellers list, but it’s actually part of the strategy. You see, until your book is on the bestsellers list on Amazon, you are INVISIBLE to Amazon. I know this first hand. In 2011, I published a book on Amazon and it sat there for 1 year with ZERO sales! That’s when I spent over 6 months doing research about Amazon and then published another book on October 23, 2012, that had 2,128 downloads in one day and was on 3 bestsellers lists! So the #1 way to get noticed on Amazon IS getting your book on the Amazon Bestsellers list. Of course, this is easier said than done.
I have several different programs for authors and I can help you get your book on the Amazon Bestsellers list (even if it’s not completely done or you haven’t started writing it!). Sign up to get information about how I can help you with your book by Clicking Here.
It is 100% possible to become a Bestselling Amazon Author and by getting this status, it will open many doors to your business like:
- MORE Exposure to the 300+ million people on Amazon waiting to buy!
- MORE Respect and Prestige in Your Industry!
- MORE Business Sales!
- MORE Income from Speaking Engagements;
- MORE Book Sales!
- MORE Joint Venture Partners interested in working with You!
- MORE Traffic to your Website!
- MORE Ideal Clients for your Programs!
- MORE Press Attention!
- MORE Publicity from Amazon because you are on their radar now!
- MORE Celebrity Status!
- MORE Attention from Potential Publishers and Literary Agents!
- MORE Cash!
- MORE Success!
Stop Procrastinating and let me help you get your book to the Amazon Best Sellers List! I’ve helped dozens of clients with my Amazon Best Sellers program and I can help you!