Connecting with the Laws of Prosperity to Attract More Abundance In Your Life
Do you ever feel like something is “blocked” in your life that is preventing your from experiencing prosperity? And if you just knew what it was, you could “unblock” it and abundance would begin flowing into your life?
I’ve read a lot about this subject as well as taken (and taught) courses on Prosperity that have given me insight about specific things we can do to attract more prosperity into our lives.
These 6 Laws of Prosperity are based on what I’ve learned and what I’ve experienced that I would like to Share with You.
- The Law of Tithing – Tithing Develops Your Faith Muscle. Years ago I took at course at the Unity Church I attend called “The 4T Prosperity Program” that was 12 weeks long. It was required to attend the weekly classes as well as sign a contract that I would tithe 10% of all monies received during that 12 week period. At the time, I was working full time as a legal secretary, living paycheck to paycheck as a single mom raising 3 children, with no help from my ex. In fact, he had not paid child support in 3 years! I was in survival mode, but I knew I needed to do something drastically different. So I took a leap of faith and as hard as it was, I wrote those checks every week. Fear was taking over my mind as I was thinking, “Okay, that was my grocery money, or my gas and electric bill money, or my rent”, but I just kept trusting that it would all work out. During those 12 weeks some amazing things happened that I can’t explain. The first was that I received a check from the IRS stating I had done my taxes wrong the year before and they sent me a refund check of $900! Then, the Child Support agency finally caught up with my ex and sent me a check for $9,000! I also received a raise during this time. Looking back, I believe that I had my fist clenched so tightly that I couldn’t “receive” anything. I was holding desperately to what little money I did have. By taking that big leap of faith and tithing 10% of my income, it was like I was opening my hand to receive gifts from the Universe. It changed my life and I continue to tithe to this day because when I don’t the flow seems to slow down and sometimes stops completely! Tithing unlocks the prosperity clog! Give 10% to where you receive your spiritual food. It can be a church, a person that fed your spirit that day or an organization. Give where you are moved to give.
- The Law of Specific Goal Setting. Setting Very Specific Goals tells the Universe What You Want and then Begins Attracting Those Specific Things to You. Most of us do not know “exactly” what we want. We may say we want more love, more money, more security, better benefits, a nice house, a better car, but we fail to specify the details. The reason we don’t is: It’s a lot of work! It requires contemplation, mediation, and time deciding what we want. I’m sure you’ve been to a lunch or dinner buffet that has so much food you’re just not sure where to start. Setting goals is like that; it can feel overwhelming because there is no limit to what we can have. However, the limit is not choosing what you want. It’s like going to the Chinese Buffet and never picking anything. You stay in a state of hunger (constant desire) that way. My mentor and friend, Jackie Woodside, once said, “Most people live a life of default, not a life by design.” Jackie is living her dreams because she designed her life that way. I love the book, “The 4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity” by Edwene Gaines who suggests that we work with a list of 12 specific goals we want to manifest in our lives. We read those goals day and night so that we begin attracting that energy to manifest our goals. The beauty of this process is…you don’t need to understand “how” it will happen, just trust that it will when you get specific about what you really want out of life!
- The Law of Forgiveness. Forgiving others Releases Your Negative Emotions and Creates Space for New Things to Flow In. The energy of un-forgiveness which includes emotions like anger, bitterness, resentment, irritation is a huge block to prosperity. Angry people attract other angry people. Bitter people attract bitter people. Forgiving others releases your emotions and your psyche so you can be free from the past. It’s not that those people in our lives were “right” or we are condoning the hurt and pain they caused, forgiving them is about releasing the past so you can move on with your future. If you don’t release the past, you are destined to repeat it. So working on forgiving those people in your life that you are holding negative emotions about, will open a space to attract prosperity into your life. You can’t experience prosperity and hold onto your anger and bitterness at the same time. Eric Butterworth, in his book “The Universe is Calling, quotes Emmet Fox: “When you hold resentment against anyone, you are bound to that person by a cosmic link — a really rough metal chain. You are tied by a cosmic tie to the very thing you hate. The thing you hate is inexorably a part of your consciousness. The one person in the whole world whom you most dislike is the very one to whom you are attaching yourself by a hook that is stronger than steel.” It’s time to let go of the shackles that keep you from experiencing the prosperity you desire. Forgiveness is the path.
- The Law of Deep Healing. Healing Your Unworthiness allows you to be a channel to receive good. Unworthy people can’t receive good. Feeling unworthy or not “good enough” prevents us from allowing prosperity and abundance into our lives. As young children and adolescents, we are given messages that we are “bad” and therefore feel unworthy or undeserving of good. These messages could have been given by our parents, our caregivers, our teachers, our church, our school or our friends. When we feel unworthy or bad we don’t allow good into our lives. In fact, we usually sabotage any good that does find it’s way into our lives. Healing those feelings sometimes takes deep therapy and spiritual work to really begin to feel, believe and act that you are whole…that you are enough…that you are one with God, and nothing (except you) can keep you out of the creative flow of ideas, love, abundance, fulfillment and prosperity.
- The Law of Divine Purpose. Do what you love and the money will follow. You have a divine purpose and calling that you came here to fulfill. You know deep inside whether you are fulfilling that purpose or not. If you feel like there is something “more” to life, or your feel empty, unfulfilled, or unhappy, then you are not living your purpose. Many people live in their “shadow career.” Steven Pressfield in his book, “Turning Pro” says, “Sometimes when we’re terrified of embracing our true calling, we’ll pursue a shadow calling instead. That shadow career is a metaphor for our real career. It’s shape is similar, its contours feel tantalizingly the same. But a shadow career entails no real risk. If we fail at a shadow career, the consequences are meaningless to us.” If we take money out of the equation and imagine having $20 million dollars in the bank, and we ask ourselves, what would I be doing now? That can usually give us clues to our true calling. Are you called to be a writer, but are working as an Administrative Assistant for a Publishing House? Are you called to be a Motivational Speaker, but are working behind the scenes for one? Are you Hiding Your Gifts from the World? Fulfill your purpose and divine calling and prosperity will naturally flow into your life. It may not happen immediately, but when the Universe knows you are committed, it will happen!
- The Law of Gratitude. Being grateful on a daily basis turns the glass from half empty to half full! It’s really a matter of perception. If you look for what’s wrong in the world, you’ll find plenty! If you are always looking at what you don’t have, then you are living in a state of lack. Lack attracts Lack! My minister recommends writing down 5 things every night before you go to bed that you are grateful for. It helps us remember to count our blessings! Just turn on the tv and you’ll know that there are always people with much less than you have and also with bigger problems than you have. Turn from a lack consciousness to a prosperity consciousness by focusing on what you are grateful for. Remember, what you focus on always grows!
I hope these Laws of Prosperity help you see where you may have a block. Even if you’ve worked on these blocks before and experienced prosperity, and then the block came back, you often have to go deeper. It’s like peeling back the layer of the onion. You’ve got to get to the core of the block and also, alot of this is work we must do on a regular basis. Such as forgiveness, tithing, goal setting, etc. It’s not like you do it once and you’re good for the rest of your life.
So if you aren’t experiencing that abundance in your life that you know you desire, work on some of these common block to prosperity and watch the magic happen!