As we reflect on our lives, we see we have a lot to be thankful for. I see so many people giving back during these harsh economic times and it makes me feel happy and proud for the kindness and generosity of our fellow human beings. As I was watching a television special last night, “A Year with Katie Couric” in which Katie reviewed all of the past years’ news stories, there was a segment on “heroes”. I realized that now more than ever we have “everyday” heroes that don’t have much themselves, but are still willing to give of their time, talent or treasures to help others.
So I’m asking you to think about ways you can give back to your community for the upcoming New Year…
I’ve been thinking about that since yesterday and I realized that I do give back to my church home (where I receive my spiritual food) as far as tithing, but I want to give back and really help other human beings solve the problems that confront them. So I thought about my skills, my background, my passions, and my mission statement and this is what I came up with.
I wanted to help “women” to be more independent, more self-sufficient and happy. Given my 15+ year background in the legal field, my love of the law, and my Read More…