Amazon Bestseller Strategy – How to be a #1 Bestselling Author
Over the last 3 years I’ve helped over 4 dozen people become #1 bestselling authors through my Amazon Bestseller Program.
I’ve learned a lot over the years and I’m going to share with you the exact strategy you need to follow in order to hit the #1 spot on the Amazon Bestseller’s list. This is the strategy that I use on all of my client’s book launches.
Step 1: Don’t Worry About the Content; Focus on the Set-Up
Of course you want great content when you publish a book on Amazon, but it seems to me that inexperienced authors solely focus on the “content” and neglect learning about the “set-up.” In reality, the “set up” of the book will make or break your ability to get to the #1 spot on the Amazon Bestsellers list.
So exactly what do I mean by “set up”?
- A great title with a great hook;
- An introduction that sells your book;
- A great book description with calls to action in it;
- A professional cover;
- Selecting the right 2 categories (100% of my clients get this wrong and that’s why there book doesn’t get to #1 and doesn’t get found);
- Selecting the correct 7 keywords (most people get this wrong as well and it makes a huge difference);
- Offering a FREE Gift in the book to build an email list;
- Making sure the preview of the book has the most important content in it;
- Getting at least 5 reviews;
- Setting the right price at the right time;
Step #2: You can’t do it alone; you must enlist a “BOOK ARMY”
Most authors hit the publish button on Amazon and sit back and wait for the sales to come rolling in. That is exactly how NOT to get to the #1 Amazon Bestsellers list!
You know how network marketing companies like Mary Kay and Legal Shield work. You become a representative and you tell 2 friends and they tell 2 friends and they tell 2 friends and before you know it you have hundreds and maybe thousands of people in your downline.
Hitting the publish button on Amazon is easy, but it’s NOT what will get you to the bestsellers list.
Doing a 2-5 days book launch and hiring book promoters to promote your book during that time period is what works.
The reason it works is because Amazon updates it’s bestsellers lists hourly so to get in the top 100, and especially to get to #1 in your category (if you picked the right category; and most author’s don’t), then you need a high amount of downloads (sales) in a short period of time.
When I do book launches for my clients we have a 2-day book launch with a lot of promoters working at the same time. Within 24 hours we are typically #1 and then I release a Press Release about becoming a #1 bestselling author which helps spread the word even further.
Book launches are the #1 strategy you should use to become a bestselling author.
The reason you want to be high up on the bestsellers list is because Amazon has their own very powerful marketing system and when they see a bestselling book with a high amount of downloads/sales in a short period of time…then it triggers this powerful marketing system.
Amazon begins to promote your book with paid Facebook ads, Google Adwords, and several “lists” that Amazon has on it’s sites like:
- Hot New Releases
- Recommendations
- Based on your browsing history
- Customers who bought this also bought this…
- Top Rated
- Movers and Shakers
- Gift Ideas
- Bestsellers of …
- Most Wished for
- What Other Items do customers buy after viewing this item
This is huge! Amazon starts working for FREE for you once you become a bestseller!
Step #3: Create a SYSTEM that Brings in Profits
Most authors focus on making sales of just their book, but the bigger picture is to use the book to generate a 6 figure business by building a business on the back end of the book.
So it’s not just about Amazon royalties, it’s about products and services that you sell on the back end.
Then, when you have a system then the profits will flow in.
Here are a few clients of mine who make money on the back end of their bestselling books:
- Suzanne O’Brien a Hospice Nurse in New York uses her bestselling book, Creating Positive Passings, to generate leads for her “End of Life Doula” Training. She actually gives away Level 1 Training in her book and then sells them Level 2 and Level 3. Also, since having the bestselling book she has been able to license her training to medical agencies. You can check out her website here to learn more:
- Raffaele Di Giorgio uses his bestselling book, Legal Considerations for Tactical Medical Responders, to get consulting jobs that pay him thousands of dollars as well as speaking engagements that pay him $6,000 and up. Also since publishing his bestselling book he created an online course that he sells for $197 and is making passive income with that. You can check out his website here to learn more:
- Major General Linda Singh uses her bestselling book, My Path to Leadership, to get new clients for her Executive Coaching programs that she offers. She also makes money through speaking engagements through her bestselling book. You can check out her website here to learn more:
If you’d like to speak with me about your book and how I can help make you a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author and create a 6-figure strategy around your bestselling book, then click here to apply for a FREE Strategy Session with me.